Wednesday, October 3, 2018


This week I read 2 Corin 2:7 which says, "So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow."

What I learned from this was that if we don’t forgive and comfort others, then both us and them will be swallowed up in sorrow. If we do not forgive others, then we fester anger, hurt, and sometimes pride. Having such negative emotions constantly bottled up inside of us can make us depressed and upset. We won’t be able to move on and be able to be happy in our lives. We just hold ourselves back rather than let ourselves move forward. You can't blame the other person for the negative feelings that your feeling because you are choosing those feelings. You are harboring them. Harboring those feelings only hurts you. Is doesn't do the other person any harm. I once heard an analogy that says, "It's like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die". So for our own sakes, we have to let it go. 

It’s also so important that we forgive others for their sake as well. There are a lot of people who feel guilty for what they did and want to make right what they have done if they can. However, if you won’t forgive them and let them make it right, then they will be harrowed up in their guilt and they also will not be able to move forward. Think if you were in their shoes and you had done something to hurt someone. You felt bad and want to make it up to them and would want forgiveness. So shouldn't we all give to others what we also seek for?

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