Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Don't Listen To Society!

I learned something pretty awesome in New Testament this week. I was reading in 2 Timothy 2:4 and this is what I got out of it: If we are truly a soldier of Jesus Christ, then we do not involve ourselves in the misbehaving’s and dealing of society. Society is so cruel! Why would we want to be a part of it? If you don't dress, act, or look a certain way, you're looked down on. Society tries to mold us how THEY want to see us. And it's so unrealistic!! By the time you "catch up", their trends have already changed and you're back to square one and seen as outdated. How is that fair?! The answer, it isn't. We were already made to be and look beautiful. There's a reason we were made the way that we were made.

As a disciple and soldier of Jesus Christ, it's up to us to show and help people realize that there is a better way to be happy. Trying to follow society is never going make you happy. Society is never satisfied. However, the Lord has promised that as we do His will and help others come unto Him, we can be happy! As we follow in His footsteps, we find that life becomes easier and what the world has to say and offer starts to mean nothing. Don't you wish to be happy all of the time instead of just part of the time? I do! And we can find that in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I'm not going to lie, it isn't easy to not listen to society and try to follow suit. I had been harassed, and bullied for THIRTEEN years for not doing my hair and make right or for wearing "ugly" clothing. I was even bullied by immediate family members and people at church too. It wasn't easy. And I still carried a lot of those effects around with me. Until this week. I finally said, "Screw society!" And I believed it for the first time. I have decided that I am beautiful. All of God's creations are beautiful. We just need to see that in ourselves, and then reach out and help others to do the same. As we share more love and have more self-confidence, we can be a disciple of Christ and slowly change the world. We can help create more acceptance and love and work on getting rid of hate and envy. However, it all starts with us. I have more self-confidence then I've had my entire life, and I'm finally starting to actually be happy.

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