Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Be Rid of the Inner Man

In Romans this week, I learned about how much God hates the inner man withing ourselves. Don't get me wrong, Heavenly Father absolutely loves us as His children. He does anything and everything for us that He possibly can. He will always love us no matter what we do. However, He hates the inner man within us. The inner man is selfish and carnal. Seeking to please men more than God. The one that also loves the things of the world and man more than Him. He even hates it when we put others before Him. That we would bend over backward to please our fellow men but not Him. Such as following high end fashion trends and following cliques and crowds. When all we want to do is look good in the eyes of men. Even with being the pleaser of men, we still are also cruel to many of our fellow men. We belittle and hurt in an attempt to help ourselves feel better and look good to others. We must overcome this inner person within us. If we don’t, then we can’t become true disciples of Jesus Christ. A true disciple of Christ would never be so selfish and harmful to our fellow men. Those that do follow Christ, would do anything to be like Him and to love our neighbors no matter who they are. We either serve Christ or the demon in us. However, it’s so much better to be loved by God than by men. Men can make their love conditional whereas Heavenly Father loves us no matter our flaws. He is our Father, and we should give Him our all. 

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