Thursday, October 4, 2018

Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage

This week we went over and discussed the legalizing of same-sex marriage. We read over the document on the Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges. In this article, we see that same-sex was legalized based off of opinion. I had one classmate talk about how she felt that the Supreme Court had overstepped their bounds. They were basically having all of the states change their policy to legalize gay marriage even if that state voted against it. There were states that legalized it beforehand and there were states that weren't ok with it. Because of that they were forced to allow and accept it even though it was against people's votes. Marriage for thousand of years has been has been defined by man and woman. Ever since the beginning of the earth, that is how God intended for marriage to be. All throughout time, we have known that same sex attraction was not intended by God. But now, society has become very lenient on it. Changing the definition of marriage can be seen as a threat not onIy to marriage but to families as well. Children are affected by not having the opposite gender parents.  
One difficulty with society today is that if you don't agree with them or follow the trend, then you are essentially an awful person. You are denying people their rights or it's also just because you're thinking differently then how they are or how they want you to. Being able to stand up for your thoughts and beliefs can be very difficult. However, it's important that we stick up for what we believe. There are many benefits to have opposite gender marriage. Children especially should be the focal point. There have been countless studies showing that children with opposite genders thrive more. The advantage of having opposite gender is that you get two very different viewpoints. Men and women think and react very differently. By having both of those, really helps a child be able to learn and understand differing perspectives and way of doing things. 
Something that I liked from Obergefell v. Hodges (2015)  was, "There are untold references to the beauty of marriage in religious and philosophical texts spanning time, cultures, and faiths, as well as in art and literature in all their forms. It is fair and necessary to say these references were based on the understanding that marriage is a union between two persons of the opposite sex." What I loved about this is the fact that it basically indicated that opposite-gender marriage is part of the beauty of marriage. There are just different aspects of this type of marriage that just can't be replicated by any other type of marriage. 
My husband and I have seen the many different types of blessings in our marriage. Because we are different, we both bring things to the table that complement one another. For example, with our son. My husband is one of the youngest in his family so he isn't used to a constantly crying child. The mother nature in me has helped me to be patient with our son and show him the love that he needs. With the fact that I am able to calm our son down, my husband can then come in and help me entertain him and give him the love that he needs. My husband just doesn't have that inner nurturing that a mother does. So it's been great that we are able to give our son both of what he needs.  

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