Monday, November 12, 2018

Update From Last Post

So last time I talked about how I would thank my husband for each and every individual thing that he did and it worked wonders that I didn't even expect! For example, my husband had come back from a week long work trip. He woke up and a fairly early/late time the next day and took our son out to the front room so I could continue to sleep. Not only did he take him out, but he also got him ready for the day! I was so grateful for that and I thanked him for letting me sleep and getting our son ready. My husband then proceeded to do it for the next two days! And each time I thanked him. He also started helping clean up the apartment a lot more. He would ask me what I needed done or he would just find something that needed to be done and do it. Again, I thanked him for each thing individually. It seemed that he really appreciated being appreciated and that got him to want to do more. I have yet to ask him though. However, we have been fighting a lot less about chores and I haven't nagged him at all. I didn't need to. Our marriage has definitely improved and gotten a lot better since I started doing this and I plan to keep it up!

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