Friday, June 24, 2016

Good and Effective Communication is Key

Communicating effectively with your spouse, or with anyone, can be really difficult. Many and most times, communication results in contention and arguments. When someone brings up something that we do that they don't like, naturally we get very upset and defensive. We feel like we are being attacked and that we need to attack back. It's basically the formula of pain+blame=defensive. It's not very effective and it usually results in rifts being made and walls going up. How you communicate determines how your relationship will eventually be and whether or not there will be a lot of miscommunication in the future. When you are interacting with someone, you are creating that social culture with them. So how you establish that culture and that way of communication is critical.

There are quite a few steps and tactics that you can do to help make and build good communication skills. One of the vital ways to communicate is through your tone. Words are just words, but the meaning and definition of the words you use completely change depending on the tone that you use. You also need to be aware of the nonverbal cues that you give off and that the other person is giving. These are also key to see the intention of the message being given. Also, remember that not everything that pops into your head needs to be shared. It's best to ask for clarification rather than just assume that you know what they are saying. This will help eliminate any miscommunication. It's also best to discuss what needs to be talked about and not talk about or bring up anything that is unnecessary. Be open and open-minded and have trust. Also talk about anything that could potentially turn into a problem before it does. Doing this early on will make life between you and anyone else a lot better.

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