Friday, June 9, 2017

He Loves Us!!!

I loved what I learned in Matthew 19:13-14!! It really struck a chord with me on just how much Christ loves each and every one of us. Verse 14 But Jesus said, Suffer [your name], and forbid him/her not to come unto me,: for such is the kingdom of heaven. This is amazing because it is another way of Christ showing just how much He loves us. The Lord never tells us that we can’t come unto and partake in the blessings that he has for us. So why forbid ourselves? We should we hold back from Him and ourselves if He never does? The Lord is far more than willing to show His love to us. His hand is and always will be stretched out to us. We just need to learn to reach out and grab it. With the full faith and trust that He will never let us go. So if He won't ever let us go, then we should never let Him go.

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