Wednesday, May 24, 2017

We Need To Remove The Negative/Bad Things From Our Lives

So this week I was reading in Matthew 18 and I came across verses 8-9. I thought that these verses were very interesting considering what it seem that Christ is telling us to do here. He mentions that we need to cut off our hands and feet that offend us and that it's better for us to go in heaven without them than to go to hell with them. Now I’m sure that Christ didn’t mean for us to actually cut our hands and feet off. But I believe that He meant it symbolically. For the symbolism of the feet, I feel like He meant that we need to cut those things out of our lives that we shouldn’t be going to. Such as a party where we know that there’ll be a lot of negative influences. Or places that we don't want to go or shouldn't go but we go because we want to look or seem "cool".  But to avoid going to any of those places that we know that we need to avoid. Same idea with the hand, to avoid doing things that betrays who we are such as masturbation or anything else that would take us from the Savior and pushes Him from our lives. For our eyes, to stop looking at or watching things that we shouldn’t be such as inappropriate shows or anything else that pushes the Spirit away. Like porn or anything else that encourages evil thoughts. As we cut these types of things out of our lives, we’ll be able to return to live with Christ and our Father again.

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