Thursday, May 26, 2016

What is the difference between hanging out and dating?

Lately in this generation and day there hasn't been very much dating as much as there has been "hanging out". Many people fear the concept of dating, or at least the term. It's not what it once used to mean. Many people feel like hanging out is the best way to go about courting someone. They feel like they, or the people they are interested in, will feel more comfortable in those kinds of environments. Though there are many people who do not feel that that is the case for them. For those people they feel like they still have to put o a mask. Like they still are having to compete or look good to those in the group that they're in. They don't feel like they can be open and it's difficult to get to know the other person when you're in a group. Hanging out is a time when you can have fun and build on your bond with your friends. Just not if you are wanting to court someone. When you just hang out, it can be hard for the other person to know whether or not it is or date or if you're even interested.
When you are dating someone, or taking them on dates, there is no confusion or question on either side on whether or not it is a date. In fact there are three P's that help outline what is considered dating: paid for, planned, and paired off. Now paid for doesn't necessarily mean with money. It can be also meaning with time or resources. Dates can still be fun but not cost anything. Planned means that it was planned in advance. Hanging out is usually spontaneous. Paired off is what it means. Where you and your date are for the most part alone and not being with a crowd of friends. Now I don't alone as in being at an apartment or something alone. Just somewhere where the two of you are able to talk and speak freely with one another and actually have that time to get to know one another. Dating is much more effective and personal than with hanging out. It's the best way to get to know someone and if you two would be compatible for marriage, if you two decided to take that step. Dating is not something to be taken lightly because the end result of dating, marriage, changes you and your life for the rest of your life. So take it seriously. It's worth doing.

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