Friday, December 7, 2018

Family Councils

I really liked what I had read in M. Russell Ballard's (1997) book about counseling with our counselors. In the chapter, he talks about how each branch in the Church has council meetings. Where everyone in the Presidency meets together and discusses the needs of the people that they preside over. Each person brings their thoughts and ideas to the table. They have a discussion of the different ideas. Based off of what was discussed and the Spirit, the President then makes the decisions that he feels is needed and necessary for those that he is serving. He doesn't just do it alone, he relies on the help and knowledge of those around him. 

This really reminds me of and makes me think of families. I think that if families also held councils, that they would function even better. Families can gather once a week and can discuss a variety of things. They can talk about something that may be happening in the family, everyone's feelings, family rules, or fights that take place. They can then talk to each other and bring in everyone's account. Then make the adjustments needed based off the family's needs, to help the family continue to function. This also helps create a place and environment where everyone can say how they feel without worry of getting into trouble and so that they know that what they say and how they feel matters. This can really help bring harmony into a home. My husband and I do this once in awhile. We don't do it every week since we don't need to quite yet. However, having these times and moments to discuss the needs of our family, really helps us to make the best choice that fits everyone's needs.

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