Thursday, September 20, 2018

Continually Repent

Something that I learned in Acts that I thought was the most interesting and impactful for me this week was the fact that we absolutely must be continually repentant in order to receive continue to receive power and help from the Holy Ghost. We must be continually repentant by constantly repenting of the things that we have done. When I served my mission in Texas, my mission president had talked about how we need to repent as son as we realize that we have sinned. By continually being repentant, we can stay clean and have the help and power of God in abundance. Christ has always taught that we must not wait for the day of His coming to repent. We must do so and prepare now. For if we wait, it will be too late. And we need all of the help that we can get from Him now. So I encourage everyone to continually repent, even daily, so that you can be in tune with the Spirit. 

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