Friday, April 28, 2017

Getting Rid of the Bad Fruit in Our Lives

Hey y'all! So I just really wanted to share something that I learned in my New Testament class this week. I was reading in Matthew 3:10 about cutting down the bad fruit in our lives. Bad fruit can be a variety of things. Whether it be people, suggestive music, activities that we do, etc. Basically, anything that we know negatively impacts our lives. Now in this scripture, we are told that we must burn the bad fruit. That doesn't mean that we actually burn things or people, just that we eliminate it from our lives. That is usually easier said then done. But the Atonement that Christ made for us, makes it possible. Christ took all our sins upon Himself, so He knows exactly what we're going through and what it takes to overcome it. It usually starts with a choice. A choice on whether or not you choose to go to a place where there are people or things that you need to cut out of your life. The first time is always the hardest to make that choice. But the more that we depend on Christ to do what we know is right, the easier it becomes over time. So if there was a person that you wanted to get away from or a habit that you want to kick, Christ can and will help you remove those bad fruits from your life. You just have to turn to Him and be willing to accept His help.